Last week we made a fast run to Vegas, our daughter, Cyndi, and her hubby, John, were there for a business convention. We decided it would be a nice, quick trip. It is only 4 to 5 hours away, depending on the traffic, we put in an audio book and we were off.
The scenery is all the same most of the way, so having the book makes the miles fly.

Female impersonators, good show, unlike the second one, which would have only run 30 minutes had they eliminated the “F” word. Now those of you who know me, know that I’m no prude, but truly, using it 6 times in a 10 word sentence, is total overkill, IMHO. So be warned his show is Vinnie something or other. We even managed to squeeze in a quick breakfast visit with Jessie & Ginger before leaving. Good to get back though, there is no place like home, no matter how humble.
We have been taking bridge lessons on Mondays for the last few weeks from a very well know pro. He was willing to come to the resort for a period of 6 weeks, and he is an outstanding teacher, and hopefully we are all understanding more of the conventions that are associated with bridge. Tuesday’s has us all trying to put into practice what we have supposedly learned. Why does it all seem so clear Monday and a blur Tuesday? Hate the game, love the game. Either way enjoy it, and glad there are about 20 others here that feel the same way. We have three more lessons, and then may have him back another time, but will take some time off, trying to get it all to sink in. Summer is coming.
We are going to Texas to pick up our little travel trailer, the middle of February, that we bought one out there, mainly because of the price, saved about 5 grand, but it will also be registered in Texas like the rest of out stuff. Also will get the car transferred over. Tried to do it on the internet, but gave up after a few failures. Been getting the truck refigured to haul a trailer, and it has been a case of one thing leads to another. First we needed a tailgate, we had a 5th wheel one, found one, now a hitch, stabilizer. ect. done, lock for the tailgate, done, which has left us yet to get a tonneau cover. (cover for the truck bed) The main reason for this trailer is for short trips near here, and the trip to Alaska next year. Have lots of relatives there, so it will be a lot easier finding places “Little Bit” will fit. Taking “Damnearahouse” was a bit more than we wanted to do. Fingers crossed we made the right choice.
Matilda has found her long lost relatives and they have been having a ball. Here they are playing in the snow. There you have it, fake flamingos, playing in fake snow, but brings a real smile to my face, and that what really counts.
If my body was a car, I would be trading it in for a newer model. I've got bumps, dents, scratches & my headlights are out of focus. My gearbox is seizing up & it takes me hours to reach maximum speed. I overheat for no reason and every time I sneeze, cough or laugh either my radiator leaks or my exhaust backfires! Ain’t it the truth???