What can I say? We are enjoying our visit with our daughter and her family, and getting to spend Mothers days with them was a special treat. Having our wonderful SIL fix us all a feast was also ranked high, but getting to eat out on their lovely deck over looking some of the spectacular scenery, priceless. Some how it worked out to a 90 minute window when the weather was wonderful, which has been in very short supply since we have been here.
Garden of the Gods
Chuck has recovered nicely from his hernia surgery, but the cataract attempt was not as successful, although there is still hope that it will continue to improve. Until it does there will be no second surgery on the other eye. Our total living area became mighty small during his recuperation, swear we were living in a closet, and the weather did nothing to make it easier. I made one awful nurse Hachette. My aches and pains have lessened greatly, but the doctor I’ve been seeing wanted me to make an appointment with a rheumatologist, but it is proving impossible. Around here they are booking in to August or later, tried California, but they are very selective, although have not made too many calls. Just so I can function is all I ask, and I’m doing okay now. Thank goodness.
Cherry Trees

The cherry trees are breathtaking, but it is strange to see the trees just starting to green up, seems like we have been in spring time for the last 3 months.
Have done a little remodeling, took out the table and chairs, and the big sleeper sofa. Ordered a daybed on line (free shipping/no tax) and put that in. We, make that I, felt like we would be happier with that as it would give us more relaxing space. Of course it would not fit where the other sofa was, about an inch too wide, so we now have the chairs at the back. Once we get to Elkhart we will have something built that will work for the dining/craft table. Also plan to have a few folding chairs, as we added a desk chair for the computer. All in all think we took off 500 pounds if not more, as there were other items in the basement that went into storage.
We are still hoping to leave here in a few weeks, heading for Vegas and the Grand Canyon, and then on to California. Our grandson has had a change of heart about “not” playing all-stars, but think we can still work it out to where he will get to spend some time traveling with us. Sure looking forward to getting to spend some time with him, it has been way too long. Up until we went full-time he was in and out of our home all the time, and I loved it, he had a way of making every special, and keeping us young. Wiped away tear.
Sitting here watching two mallard ducks flout down the creek that sits below us, they are so funny. They fly back up and do it all over again. And then there are the squirrels waiting for some one to toss them there dinner.

They even have their own table nailed to a tree!
Hope the sun is shining on one and all, life is good.