Yes, it is that time again, hitch-itch setting in big time. We have so enjoyed our winter in Jojoba Hills this year. Seems that there was a lot more going on, what with skits, and bands, why we even had a hoe-down, with the board of directors being good sports and getting dunked over and over. Yep, we had a real dunk tank, and the weather decided that we would have our week of winter, so it was a cool dunk. And yes that is someone putting ice cubes in the tank!!

All the fun events are raising money for the Founders Day celebration that Jojoba is putting on next year. Everyone is looking forward to a fun week then.
Have been working on my gourds, but being the finicky person that I seem to be, not entirely happy with what I accomplished.
We did do some giraffes out of long wiggly gourds. They turned out quite cute. These gourds are not found in this area, our “leaders” brought them back from Casa Grande when they went out there for a gourd show.

We had friends from our sticks & brick life stop in for a weeks visit. Great seeing them again, and they enjoyed seeing the area. They usually come down and spend a month in Borrego Springs, at a lovely park, with a golf course. We took a run over and seen them and can see why they like it. Being golfers.
Next Chuck’s sister, Anna Mae and BIL, Jim arrived. We set them up in our little trailer which gave them their own little home. They were here for almost three weeks, so we did some sight seeing, and they enjoyed the warm weather. Coming from West Virginia they had plenty of snow this year.

Over looking Borrego Springs.
At the Desert Wildlife park in Palm Springs.

Jumping Cholla

The cholla (pronounced choy-a) is perhaps the most feared and hated cacti in the southwest desert. If you brush up against one, you will know why.

The wind farms around Palm Springs. Lots of wind there.
Wild lilacs near the gourd farm outside of Temecula.

A few gourds!!

Chuck, Jim & Anna Mae

The metal sculptures in Borrego

Flowers at the San Diego botanical gardens

These statues were so interesting, as they were completely covered in cactuses & ivy of all kinds

dancing couple

Flower fields in Carlsbad

Chuck & Anna Mae

When we took our company to San Diego to spend the last few days of their vacation with a childhood friend, Chuck and I decided that we would use the groupon fishing trip that the guys didn't get around to. We could not have asked for a more beautiful day. We had a lovely lunch on the waterfront and made our way onto the boat. We went out for over an hour, seen whales, and dolphins, Had our own pet sea lion who stayed with us all day. But fish, not so much. Neither of us were disappointed though, it was a lovely day.
The sea gulls didn't know that the picking were slim!
Chuck took the truck out and got the oil changed and all those little things, then he had new tires put on. Hopefully that will be all that needs to be done. I've been checking routes and trying to figure out just where we will meet some friends before going into Canada. Once there we are meeting up with the Loosey Goosey gang in Dawson Creek. From there we will slowly make our way up to Fairbanks. Figured we would go there first, then make our way into Denali, where hopefully we will meet up with my brother. Talked to him and he agreed to make the plans for that. Then we will make it down to the Anchorage area, where we will be picking up our grandson, Anthony. He decided to not play All-Stars this summer, but to take advantage of spending a few weeks with us. Sure makes me happy, miss the little guy, although he is not so little anymore, 15 years old and 6 foot. How did that happen???
My new motto….

Hope we see you down the road.