How can it possibly be almost a month since my last post? We have been busy doing nothing...there are so many activities that we have to make a list on the calendar! Chuck is more the social bug, he loves games, where as I am not too keen on them. Did find a bridge event at another park, it was great to play again. Lunch was served and had something that had never seen before. Salad made with fresh spinach and strawberries, nuts and feta cheese, with a sweet dressing. It was so good. Of course there were many other dishes all of which were excellent. We did take in one dance here, which is different for us, since Chuck no longer indulges, he is not too big on dancing, and I'm having a foot problem, which they have yet to find a reason for. Just doing lots of tests, but nothing yet. Old age.....
naaaa, I don't think so.
We did take in the Christmas lights in a small town near the border,
Hidalgo. The whole town is decorated by the city to the max, it is wonderful. I've always loved seeing all the lights this time of year and this was one of the prettiest yet. Miss decorating, but do have the RV done up some. I buy a ornament in just about every place we visit, so have quite a collection already, but it is small, so
doesn't count.
Been playing some pretty good golf, and think that I may have to try a little
less. At our golf party every week I seem to win every thing, which I feel bad about. Like taking candy from babies, as most of the women don't play that much. Chuck has been shooting in the low eighties/high seventies, so that is really good for him. He has also been very lucky in the card elimanation games and bingo, winning quite often. They have a rule here, win three times in one night and it is into the pool with you. So far he hasn't gotten wet!
The wind here does blow, yet it is not that unpleasant. The air is warm so it does not seem so bad. We did not have the awning installed over the slide outs because of our experiences with the wind in Tucson last year. So glad, cause the wind does seem stronger here at night. We just found out that the covering made so much noise, and in the 5th wheel, your head is very close to the ceiling when you are in bed. But other than that the weather is great, just like Chucks golf game....70's, 80's. The flowers are all so pretty, the bouganvilla (spelling wrong) is totally awesome, and it grows like weeds, it is all over.
Have not been too good about taking pictures but will post a few. Which about all that I have taken since seing here.