Nana and Po love you more!!!!
Friday, May 22, 2009
Oh, Lonesome Me
Yes, that is me, lonesome. We decided that it was time to empty the storage unit in California and move it out to Colorado. We will never return to live in California, if there will even be a California in the future. May have to sell it to China. Anyway Chuck and John, (our son-in-law) flew back on Tuesday, picked up a truck, loaded it, Chuck ran around and seen a lot of ole friends, and are on their way back already. That is one boring drive, so do not envy them one bit. But do envy the fact that they were there for our grandsons, Anthony's 10th birthday. That would have been very special. And to give our son a big get well hug. He had his hard cast put on Tuesday and it will be a good two months of that. Bummer.
I've just been taking things easy, did a little deep cleaning, read a few books, spent some time with my daughter, although she is really busy. Which is good, and don't want to take her away from that. We did go yesterday and get pedicures and I even had nails put on. Been having so much trouble with my finger nails that I finally bit the bullet and had it done. Not only now will I have to take my chances getting my hair cut, but having nails to deal with too.
This weekend is Frontier Days in Old Colorado City. It is a fun time, they close off the main street and it is full of vendors of all kinds. Lots of crafts and food. Entertainment all over, it is great fun, and our campground is close enough that we can walk to everything. Which is great, parking is not that easy. Actually might be able to rent out a few places in our campsite....LOL
No pictures as the camera went with Chuck, and hopefully it will be loaded when he gets back. Expect them back tomorrow, Lord willing and the creek don't rise. All is good, till next time.
Friday, May 15, 2009
Jello Melting
of the season.
The forecast was for rain this past weekend, so Matilda was all for showing off her designer rainwear. Notice the shadow on the tree.....she did not get wet.
Matilda falls in love. I've always loved this bird too, sets off to the side of our daughters back deck.
Have a week to catch up on here. We have not been doing much of anything, had a wonderful cook out the other night at our daughter house. Other than taking in a movie, Girlfriends Past, or what ever it was called. It was pretty good actually. Been a long time since we have been to the movies, so it was a treat.
We are planning on attending a Escapade rally here in Colorado next month. Looking forward to that, it will be small, which makes it much easier to trade "shop talk". The big rally was not what we had expected.

After reading some of the blogs this morning, have come to the conclusion that May must be medical month. Could be the surge of upset stomachs that April 15th gives most us us? That is what we did yesterday also. We had physicals done in the Rio Grande Valley this past winter so that had already been taken care of. First started off was the optometrist, who I will say was one of the best that we have ever seen. Unfortunately, I found out that new glasses were not what I needed, but cataract surgery. So even though they are trying to rush it, it looks like the earliest that I can get started is June 2nd. We are hoping for a cancellation by someone to get in sooner. Chuck gets by with new glasses. From there it was off to see a highly recommended cardiologist, as Chuck and I were both dissatisfied with the one he had seen this winter. All checked out there so we were very happy as it had been a worry. Being as we have not been back to California for two years, we have been forced to find new doctors as we go down the road. Actually we have not had a problem, and any of our prescriptions have been transferred with no problem. But that is now, scary to think of it all changing, the goverment has never changed any thing and made it better. But then that is my thought and not sure it is the place to go. Might have to get some meds for the high blood pressure that it will bring on.
That is all for now, life is good.
Monday, May 11, 2009
Family & Colorado
Hope that Mothers Day was a special treat for all. It certainly was for me. The day was spent with our daughter, Cyndi and her husband, John, and we were joined by our grandson, Robert, and his family. We did brunch and had told the kids about "eggs in a bag" and they decided it would be fun to try.
We had an excellent head chef. Here is Roinn, (our great-grandson), he wrote all the names on the bags, and then scrambled the eggs once they were in the bags. He was concentrating so hard on doing a good job. Everyone was surprised at what a great and easy way to do omelets. Thanks Molly!
Kylee, with her mom, Kerstin, watching big brother working away.

Kylee with her "walker"....she is not
comfortable to try walking on her own yet.
This is a lawn mower and she did mow
a lot of grass yesterday.
It was great spending the day with family, the last few years we have been on the road, and had to make do with phone calls. Our son & his family
in California, had to do the phone thing. He is doing fairly good, had a bad accident, the ligaments holding his knee cap in place snapped, and it went half way up his thigh. They did surgery Wednesday and he is in a soft cast that they will change to a hard one this week. Then if all goes well he will be in that for six weeks. His poor wife is really having a hard time trying to do it all and more, plus she just started a new job. Hopefully he will be better once he gets the cast on.Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Hello May

We had planned to leave Saturday, but after checking the weather on both ends we decided to wait a day. Which proved to be a good choice as Sunday was the perfect day to travel. No wind what so ever, traffic was light, and we actually got 11.7 mpg, which we were happy with. Actually with us just getting there and putting down the jacks without any problems is a great day.
We are now settled in Colorado Springs for a month. Our campground is right in Old Colorado City, which makes it nice and close to everything including our daughter, who is only about six blocks away. Our back window over looks Fountain Creek, with plenty of trees and squirrels to drive the cat crazy. There are also two ducks that must have a nest near by and they are a kick. They ride the rapids (?, well swift moving water, rapids is a little strong) down aways and then come back and do it again. They are so cute.

Sunday night, after we got settled, we had a nice dinner at our daughter house. We were celebrating our son-in-laws belated 50th birthday. Great seeing the whole family, and our great grand babies grew so much since we last seen them in August. For some reason, my camera got left in the RV so will have to get some picture from the kids.
This brings me up to date, so think I'll just watch the ducks and squirrels today.
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