We decided that our chances of getting a flight to Hawaii would be much better out of Travis AFB in northern California, as there was an air show scheduled in our time frame and the flights had just dried up. Easy drive, had a audio book an the miles flew past amazingly fast. We got a room in the hotel on base, an there were 4 planes leaving the next day. But in the morning 2 had been canceled and the other moved to the afternoon, but still lots of seats. But Murphy’s Law wasn’t done with us yet. In the afternoon the one with 73 seats,,,,,gone,,,,,,which left the one with 10. And there was 2 families ahead of us, one with 5, the other 4. Back to the hotel, and no flights due out the next day. But we were keeping an eye on the Facebook page for Travis an at 8:45 AM there popped up a flight, with roll call for 8:45!!! Let me tell you we were out of that hotel and at the airport by
9, an not a minute too soon. Plane was a C5A, huge, second level, all first class seating.

That is a long climb up there!
Room for 75 people, we flew with 10. Had booked a room for the night before at the military hotel with the understanding if we had to cancel we paid anyway, but when we were checking in, they said as long as we had notified them they just moved it to another night.

Nice surprise. We just relaxed on the balcony, me with wine, Chuck with his soda, and watched the sunset and the moon.

Beautiful, we made it!! Big sigh of relief. Ready for breakfast.
The next day we were off to get the rental car and our hostess, Alice, whose plane was arriving are 12:30. We had arranged to meet her at the rental car location, just in case we had not arrived she would have access to the car. As it was we had just finalized the rental agreement an she appeared. We drove over and retrieved our luggage from the hotel as we had taken the bus over. Your Medicare card and a dollar, ride all day. Good deal, you know us seniors, love a deal. We arrived at the house and totally were enchanted with it. Big, very old, but lovely. The other two couple arrived, and we rushed to the store for some dinner, and once again settled in and relaxed. Three hour time difference, takes quite a toll.

I want that! House down the street, really wild.
Day two found us still shopping for food, our hostess, Alice, provides most of the food, so we had agreed to take her to the commissary to do a large shopping as she will be here 6 weeks. And everyone was winding down, deciding what we wanted to see and do.
Off to the macadamia nut farm,

well maybe it should be called the macadamia nut store, as the groves are located at a higher location. But there were plenty of samples of many different flavors, Moving on we came across other crafty shops. We decided to send a box of nuts and candy to our son and his family, the shipping was quite reasonable, and of course we had to make a few purchases to be eaten while here. From there we went to an orchid farm.

How lovely, So many different and wonderful varieties. Picked out a couple and had them sent to our daughter.
Saturday was a golf day

for Chuck, so I tagged along with a couple and went to the huge flea market that is around the stadium down town. We didn’t begin to see it all, but spent and couple of hours there, some good “stuff”. Also good prices. Hawaii is more on the pricey side, although gas is cheaper than in California.
Sunday we decided to do the around the island drive. The couple that I spent yesterday with, who are sharing the house joined us. Sunday was not the day to go to the beaches as the locals are out also and parking is limited in many places. But we did stumble on the most amazing Shrimp Truck.

It was the most recommended one and seemed to have the longest lines of all. Mmmmm good.

They had garlic shrimp, lemon butter shrimp, shrimp and more shrimp. Yes, that is a lot of garlic, but hey…..

Three of us had the garlic, which was so good and sweet, but sure felt for the person that didn’t, imagine being in a closed car for hours. We certainly didn’t have to worry about being attacked by vampires. There was also a truck selling corn on the cob. The best ever. They take the corn, grill it, then submerge it in a container of butter, when you order they pull it out on a stick, hit it with a blow torch, then cover it with spices and parmesan cheese. OMG, was it good.

The Dole pineapple plantation was a stop, did the garden and the train ride through some of the fields. Interesting to see the plants in different stages of growth. But the only real pineapples we seen growing were in the entrance area.

Does not seem possible that that little stem can hold up those big pineapples.

The pineapple fluff, the absolute best. There was a banana split that had the guys tempted for 20 dollars, thankfully they passed.

Some of the mountain scenery. Every where you look it was all eye candy.

Moving on we came across Wameia Falls.

There was a golf car ride to the falls, that could be purchased and we decided that we would do the trip the easy way. Back at the falls there were people swimming in the pool, and although I had to do it alone I did,

Getting in and out was quite painful, the rocks were so hard to walk on, but I made the sacrifice it and have the pictures to prove it.
Chuck has played golf a few times, not that it would seem to justify toting the clubs all this way. But he loved it, and know that having his own clubs made it better. Otherwise each bad shot would have been due to rented clubs….lol

Being in a huge house, right on the beach surely does beat hotel living. Plus the fact that we are not on Waikiki with all the tourists. Although it seems that half of Japan is over here.
Our time here is coming to an end, sadly we have certainly enjoyed our stay, and our hostess has gone out of her way to make sure that we enjoyed ourselves. But there were times…..Saturday we had made plans to have a wonderful sunset dinner at the Elks club, as they have a wonder dining room overlooking the ocean.

This is the most expensive Elks club in the nation to join, am not sure of the cost, but when I heard it knew that we would have never joined there. We arrived and were seated, but told that dinner was not available, something to do with the chef and a swimming pool accident. We decided that we would try an Italian restaurant that Alice knew near the house. Off we went in two cars, but once we arrived the haughty waiter was like …..”table for SEVEN….NO reservations…Saturday night…IMPOSSIBLE for two hours! Off to a pizza place we went, while there the news was coming on about an earthquake in Canada, an a possible tsunami for Oahu. Okay then, we were off to the blare of sirens, rushed by the house, threw everything we owned in the cars an off we went. Chinese fire drill, comes pretty close to what we must have looked like. We drove to higher ground and all pulled off together to await this giant wave of 4 inches of water that eventually came ashore. The next day chuck was not feeling his best due to all the excitement, so we just took it real easy and stayed at the house. Sorry that we had opted for the deluxe tour that included a real life, once in a life time adventure.
The whole house decided that the Polynesia Culture Center was a must do, and we were able to score tickets from the base for a very reasonable price. They included the park, grand buffet and the show. I had been there 30 years ago and was not too impressed with it, but time has made a huge change and it was very entertaining. The buffet was good and the show was amazing. Everyone thought it was the best. No pictures were allowed of the show, but did take a few outside.

Tuesday October 30th, we took a final island drive. Had to try that fabulous corn one more time. Sorry to say it did not come close to the first ones, but the pineapple ice cream at the Dole Plantation did. We arrived at the house and Alice had made a wonderful Mexican dinner, mushroom and spinach enchiladas, pork Verde in a green sauce, margarita's…..wonderful.
Now to find a ride back to California………..