Saturday, May 5, 2012


It has been 7 years since we took our first 6 month extended trail run of possibly full timing.  We had been tossing the idea around for some time, but were unable to fully act on it, due to the fact that my father needed our help.  After he was reunited with my mother, who had passed away 6 years earlier, we were still a little leery of taking that final step.

With lots of thought and hope we decided that a extended travel vacation would help us decide.  If we both returned and were still inclined then we would take the final steps to make it all happen. 

Surviving the first 50 miles was the  biggest challenge on day one.  We had a new kitten, who we had tried to get her used to riding in the truck, but not with much success, and we did not want to try tranquilizers, so we decided that she would ride in her traveling cage.  Not good!  She messed all over it, and herself, which put us on the side of the road trying to clean a totally scared cat using bottled water and paper towels.  Yeah, it is funny now, believe me at the time it was not.  Once every thing was as clean as a case of water could make it, we decided that we would let her be free in the back seat, and have a litter box.  Well, when you have a wet cat, and clumping litter, it is just minutes before you have yet another problem.  The rest of the day fades in my memory. 

We traveled to Colorado Springs, on up into Minnesota, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Virginia and made our way back to California.  We were in vacation mode, and we seen soooooo much.  There were many times we stopped just because we saw a golf course that needed playing.  We never made a reservation and always managed to find a RV park.  Do wish though that we had known about Escapees, rallies, even passport America was not part of our planning.  Basically we were wandering wanders.  But in a way we did things that we might not have done had we “know better”.  And thank you, Lord, for GPS. 

The week has gone flying by once again.  Yesterday we did a run to a fruit and veggie stand that we have found.  Lots of good stuff.  And avocados galore.  We are near the avocado capital, so there seem to always be plenty.  Yesterday it was 25 for 5 dollars.  That is one heck of a lot of guacamole.  Took a big bowl up for happy hour and it all went.  Tonight I fixed sole almandine and watermelon on the side for dinner.  Weird, but it was so good.

This week Chuck and I have been trying to shuck off the “older than dirt” feeling.  Our baby had his 50th birthday last Monday.  Seems like only yesterday it was his 1st. Till next week.



Tumbleweed Dee said...

It's fun going down memory lane. We're with our son the past couple weeks for his 40th birthday.

Time flies when you see the kids growing up and having kids of their own. I just don't feel that old.

Safe travels

Speedy said...

We can relate to most of that first trip with the exception of the kitty. We had so many fights that I was really amazed our marriage did not tank after the first two weeks. The jury is still out on the marriage...I have to mind my mouth...Yes dear has become my favorite reply. We do hope to last long enough to meet back up with the two of stay safe.

Joe and Sherri

Leno said...

Fun to remember those times. Memories are life's greatest treasures..
Miss you both!
Big hugs,