Don’t know about anyone else but after we have sat for awhile getting back into the pre-routine of moving is some what nerve racking. We left Jojoba heading for Chula Vista Elks, following one of our neighbors. Easy drive, lots of traffic. Great campground, although it is just a large parking lot. They also have a partially enclosed clubhouse, with tables, chairs, big screen TV, bbq. Very nice set up for a small group of no more than 12 to 15 couples. Everyone was very welcoming and we had a nice time. Seemed we were mostly planning what to eat, where to eat, or complaining that we couldn’t eat another bite. The first night we were only three couples so we did a small potluck, and our neighbor gourmet chef fixed a wonderful salad of heirloom tomatoes, gorgonzola and red onions with white balsamic vinegar dressing. OMG, it was so good!
While we were in the area we took a run out to the Naval Air Station to check on the possibility of flying from there. Very small, but we will see when the time gets closer. Going over to Coronado Island was awesome, pictures didn’t really turn out all that good.
There seems to be a big surge in vineyards in the Lompoc area. Several small wineries have started up.
At the last minute our son found out that he could make the trip to L.A. where our grandson was bowling in the state championship. So we tried to put a meeting place together, but there was no place that would take us, especially when I mentioned the kids were planning on setting up a tent to sleep in. Finally got a camp site at Vandenberg AFB, which is up above Santa Barbara, made Chuck very happy, as we would be coming through Los Anglos on a Sunday. Actually it was fairly busy even then, hate to think what it would have been like during the week. And our darn GPS took us through down town, on some very rough highway. But the campground is prefect for us, the kids have a tent area right behind us. There are two rec rooms, bathrooms, TV's. This the first base where we had to unlock all our bays, open the hood, leave the truck and go sit in a waiting room, just to get on base. Wondering if they were going to consider my kitchen knives as weapons. Was afraid the kids were going to have a body search once we tried to vouch them on. But it went okay.
Yesterday we took them into Pismo Beach so our grandson could play in the waves.

The water was so cold that we laughed ourselves silly watching our son and DIL trying to get wet and not get wet and cold all at the same time.

Even our grandson didn’t stay in very long, although he did ride the waves for awhile on his boogey board. Chuck and I did not venture down onto the sand, we stayed on the pier and took pictures.

We had plans to go for clam chowder at a small place called Splash. They have the best, but there was also a line half way down the block so we nixed that and tried another place that we knew.
Today after a breakfast of fruit and pancakes, the kids went into town, and Chuck and I went to the commissary and got the making for clam chowder. How about that? No waiting line, and it was darn good if I do say so myself. They are leaving in the morning, and we are staying another night here, then moving on to Morro Bay for a week. We have friends that we are meeting up with, and I just might see if I can play a round of golf. One of my favorite courses over there, they call it the “poor man’s pebble beach”. How dumb are we, that we decided to go to the valley of California IN AUGUST? Guess if it gets too bad we will head back to the coast. Now as for here on the coast it is down right cool. We are all wearing jackets, especially at night, sleeping weather is wonderful. That is one of the weird things about the weather here, the coast is almost always cool and in the summer can get down right cold. But you don’t go to the Sacramento valley in a tin can in the summer! The opposite of cold is HOT, and we lived there long enough that we should know better. But salmon season opened and Chuck is dying to catch a few in the river.
Tomorrow is the first day of the rest of our lives, so lets try and make the most of it. Travel safe.