Sunday night we had dinner with friends Bill & Dawn, who were our neighbors in Mission this past winter. Bill works with Camping World as a traveler, he goes where he is needed, and so far he is happy with it. Dinner was at a Winery and Bistro. Food was wonderful and the wine wasn't bad either.
Monday we started the day with a late breakfast at the Route 66 Diner. It was like stepping back in time, even the waitresses were dressed in 50's uniforms. From there we went out to see the petroglyphs. It was quite interesting, but we were told that it had all been staged years ago, although the rocks were original. Hmmm, you think?
From there we were off to see the tent rocks. They were very interesting, we had never even heard of them. The bad part was getting there, we had 5 miles of washboard, dusty, bad, road to manage our way over. But that was not enough for us, (probably all that jarring shook something loose in the noggin) we decided to do another 4 miles to a Veteran Memorial overlook. Now this was over a goat path through cow pastures, but it was worth it.

So glad that we made the teeth jarring trek. Back on the paved road there was a sign for a golf course so of course had to check it out. And it was a wonderful surprise, it was absolutely gorgeous. It is rated one of the "must play"courses for 2008. So we made tee times for Thursday.

Today was kick it on down the road day. Pretty easy, 65 miles, we are in a nice campground, lots of pine trees and all. Had only planned to stay 2 nights, but guess we will stretch that out a day or two. Santa Fe looks to be a pretty nice town, so want to see some of it.
Life is good, blue sky, warm breeze.