Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Santa, Do You Hear Me Now?
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Christmas in the Air
All boxed, now just to load them up.
Took at least one car/truck for each load.
Teachers from the schools that coordinated the lists of needy families were on hand, along with the local police, and they led us to the families. They asked that no pictures be taken of this, which was understandable. It was an uplifting experience, yet at the same time so sad.
Our humongous site!
But this is a great park, we have extended for another month, just hope the weather gets better, we liked it so much better last year. Tomorrow we are playing golf in a tournament, and I'm not playing with Chuck. Not sure who my team is, but hope they have a sense of humor as I have not played for a couple of months. Can't imagine what the course will be like after all the rain we had the other day. Could be they will change it to water polo.
Christmas is all taken care of. They are having a big dinner with small potlucks of tables of 20, with the park furnishing the ham and turkey. The people at our table are a hoot, so know that we will have a great time. We have done this before and it works so good. There are two large club houses here, so they can easily accommodate everyone.
Merry Christmas to all, we are so lucky to be where we are, doing what we want, when we want, but best of all with who we want. God Bless.
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Warm Days & Hearts
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Friday, December 4, 2009
It Can't Be December!
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Sunshine and Good Times
Our site at the
Lazy Longhorn
As for now we are enjoying our time here, have met some of our neighbors, and Donna & Nolan are here for a few more weeks too. We took a ride the other day to Rockport, and checked out some of the RV parks and had lunch at the Big Fisherman. It was a perfect day, sunny with just a light breeze.
What did you bring me?
Yesterday was a day of what to do, what to do. Ended up making a HEB run and had lunch at a restaurant with down home cooking. They did have homemade rolls that were outstanding. Sure that we will be making a return visit. Donna and I decided that we would start a puzzle, and once we got started we became determined that we would finish. And we did! But today my neck was rather stiff. Chuck found some golfing pardners and they went out today. Guess it was not a good day as they were talking about having to go back tomorrow to plant the corn as they dug up the course.
Life is good, all is well, God Bless.
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Behind Door Number Two
Our microwave door finally arrived.....12 days from Colorado Springs, guess the postal service is fixing the unemployment problem by hiring bicycle carriers. Once we replaced the door, we were back on the road the next day. Seems like our life revolves around doors.
First the refrigerator, then microwave, luckily we discovered
the opening latch on the front door before it fell
off. And don't you know that it would have happened when we
were locked out.
The Escapees park was a great stop, there was a lot going on and the time just flew. We felt like we were looking into our future, most of the people living there full time were once doing what we are now. It is not a pretty picture, yet a very happy one, everyone was totally glad they did what they did. And no one regretted having given it all up. Plus they are still living the good life surrounded by friends, and the travelers stopping in sort of keeps them in the loop. We are now in a lovely park, situated not too far from a railroad crossing, (but then aren't most) in Victoria. Actually it is a nice park, the railroad being the only drawback. We plan to be here for at least a week before continuing down the road.
Yesterday we went to Sams Club, and they asked if Chuck was a veteran, and having made a career of the Air Force, his answer of yes, got him a gift of a folding cane. Not kidding, we laughed so hard, plus there were coupons for the hugo walker, bengay, gas-x and more. Guess the thought was nice, but hey???
The "old" man is out on the golf course today, the smile on his face was pretty big. Bless his heart, it has been almost a month, what with the rain and all. Nothing much in Livingston in the way of golf, but his prospects are much better here. Nolan and Donna are here in the park and are coming over later. Glad they are back out here again now that Nolans heart problems are taken care of, aka curve in the road.
Our granddaughter (mother of those two great babies) who
was in the finals for Wheel of Fortune did not make the
final cut. She was really bummed, but it did have
everyone excited for a while there. Oh well, back to the real world.
That about does it for now, life is good.
Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Roinn made this almost by him selfReady to terrorize
Kylee ready to charm all the treats into her bag
Saturday, October 31, 2009
I Love Texas
Did it ever rain two days ago when we were in Mount Pleasant, it was like a wall of water at times. Then the thunder and lightening....wooo...one hit very close to us and knocked out the electricity in the park. Took about four hours for it to come back on, and there was only a few minutes of Survivor left. There are only 2 show that we hate to miss and have been having a hard time the past few weeks catching them.
We had a very nice visit with our friends in Mount Pleasant. We met them in Colorado Springs and they were the ones who are responsible for our coming there to buy our truck. Could not ask for a nicer buying experience. Elliott's Dodge is one of the best.
We will be here for a few days and then make our way down to Rockport. Just waiting for a package to make it to our mailbox here. Nice campground here, lots of room, activities already getting going. Not sure that this would be a place that I would want to come to year after year though. Not too much around here. Life is Good.
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Rain, rain go away
We got here early enough that Chuck got the truck serviced and inspected. He was so happy with the dealership that he bought the truck from he wanted them to go over it and check it all out. Besides it was on our way.
That is all for now, HUGS to all.
Monday, October 26, 2009
And Away We Go
In the morning we will be continuing our trek south, having spent the week in Little Rock. We did not do much, the weather was not cooperating, as we have had more more days with rain than not. There has been so much rain in this area, there is standing water all over. The lake near the campground is way out of its banks. We did get to spend some time with our friends that spend their summer in the area before heading back to the valley in Texas, which was great. And yes, Chuck did get in some golf, but had planned one more round today, but it was not to be....rain. Hopefully it will be over with come morning.
Monday, October 19, 2009
Bucket List: Nashville "Check"
Friday, October 16, 2009
Hunting Summer or at least Fall
These bushes are so beautiful, the leaves turn a glorious red.
Today we were off to check out the area. Ended up at the Opry Mills, which is a huge mall. So many things going on inside, could spend all day in there without ever going in a store. Our freebie's today amounted to 2 Accu-Chek Aviva monitors, crackers and a back pack. Plus we used our Home Depot 20 dollars gift card. Thought maybe it might not be good but it was along with the 20 dollar Burger King one that we had wonat a flea market near Celina.
We just wondered around till we had enough and then went to the movies.Seen Denzel Washintons new movie, Citizen. Really gory, but all in all a good movie. They sure are making some gruesome movies that are soon to be released.
Tomorrow we are going on a all day bus tour. Have to be there by 8:30. We were not able to get tickets to the Grand Ole Oprey. They only do shows, Friday and Saturday nights and one on Tuesday. If the tour is half as good as the advertising portrays it, we are in for a treat. If not we will still get to see all the sights of Nashville. Either way I'll have pictures.
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Parking Lot Blues
We have enjoyed seeing some of the area, lot of Amish in the vicinity, and the shops are wonderful with all the unique craft items. Then there are the flea markets, farmers markets and craft fairs. And the quilts are very tempting, they are so beautiful and well done. Today we stopped at a craft fair and there was a horse on a treadmill walking away, and it was hooked up to a ice cream maker, yup, making ice cream. Needless to say, Chuck had to have some of that.
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Donna hard at work

New Friends